Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) have provided some relaxation in view of ongoing pandemic COVID-19 which are summarized as under:

Sr. No.




Relaxation for filing certain forms upto 31st July 2021:

No additional fees upto 31st July 2021 for filing of forms which were due for filing during 1st April 2021 to 31st May 2021 (both dates inclusive) for companies/LLPs.


(Please note that above relaxation is NOT APPLICABLE for filing CHG-1 Form, CHG-4 Form & CHG-9 Form)

 General Circular No. 06/2021


Relaxation for filing Charge related forms upto 31st July 2021:

•         Applicability and Due date- Applicable for filing Form CHG-1 & Form CHG-9 which satisfies any of following conditions:


a)     Charge is created/modified before 01st April 2021 and timeline for filing form is not expired u/s 77 of the Act – Due date for filing of Form shall be considered as 01st June, 2021.

b)     Charge is created/modified between 01st April 2021 to 31st May 2021 (both dates inclusive) - Due date for filing of Form shall be considered as 01st June, 2021.

 It means any additional fees in both the above cases shall be calculated from 01st June 2021 and only normal fees shall be payable upto such date.

•         Non-applicability –

                    i.            Form CHG-1 & Form CHG-9 already been filed before issue of circular i.e. before 03rd May 2021.

                  ii.            Timeline for filing FORM CHG-1 & Form CHG-9 has already been expired prior to 01st April 2021.

                iii.            For filing FORM CHG-4.

                 iv.            Timeline for filing Form CHG-1 and CHG-9 expired at a future date despite excluding time provided in b) above.


 General Circular No. 07/2021


Relaxation in Gap between 2 board meetings

Additional 60 days extension is provided for the meetings held in First 2 quarters of Financial Year 2021-22 i.e. Gap between 2 Board meetings may extend to 180 days during Quarter-April to June 2021 and Quarter-july to September 2021.

 General Circular No. 08/2021


Feel free to contact in case of any query or consultation.
