SEBI has decided to further streamline the database and provide further ease of access of information for investors.  In  view  of  the  same, it  has  proposed  to provide an updated list of data fields to be maintained in the database along  with  the  manner  of  filing  the  same.

The responsibilities of various parties involved, contents of the database and manner & timeline of submitting the information has been laid down in Circular dated 4th June, 2021. It includes:

  1. Responsibilities of Depositories (DPs), Issuers, Stock Exchanges (SEs), Credit Rating Agencies (CRAs) & Debenture Trustees.
  2. The list of data fields to be submitted by issuer to depositories at the time of allotting of ISIN [Annexure I]
  3. List  of  data  fields  to  be  submitted  by  issuer  to  stock  exchanges on a periodical basis (once a year) and/or ‘as and when’ basis (event based) [Annexure II]
  4. Timelines for updated of information by various parties [Annexure III]

Timelines for updating information 




Time limit for updating information

Providing details as per Annex- I  to Depository for the instruments being issued



At the time of applying for ISIN


Providing details as per Annex – II  to  SEs


Within 1 working day of the of the change in such details

Updating the database with details received by SEs  as per Annex – II 


On a daily basis

Providing details regarding any variation / changes in the details provided by them to Depository other than the data fields in Annex – II


This information shall be provided by Issuers within 7 days of the change in such details

Providing  the  requisite infrastructure  and hosting the    database   based on    the information  provided by Issuers and  other information providers


On a daily basis


Synchronization of database of Depositories


Information shall be synchronized on a daily basis

Sharing   of   information   received by the Depository with other depository for hosting


Within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the information

Information    of    extinguishment    of    debt securities to SEs


Within 1 working day

Verification  and Updating of subsequent rating migrations information in the database



Within 1 working day from the press release

Verification  and updating of  default  history information about the instrument / issuer, as applicable in the database



within 7 days of knowledge of default

Verification of   initial   rating information provided  by  the  Issuer  in  respect  of  the ISINs for the instruments


In   case   of   any variation, CRAs update the same within 3 working days.

This circular shall be applicable for debt securities issued on or after August 01, 2021.

Feel free to contact in case of any query or consultation.