In view of COVID 19 pandemic, IRDAI had granted exemption to insurers from the requirement of 

(a) Issuance of Electronic Policies and 

(b) dispensing with physical documents and wet signature on the proposal form 

till 31st March, 2021 via Circular No. IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/235/09/20 dated 10th September, 2020.

Further, this time limit was further extended till 30th September, 2021 via Circular No. IRDAI/HLT/REG/ CIR/062/03/2021 dated 24th March, 2021.

Now, this time limit has now further been extended upto 31st March, 2022 via Circular No.IRDAI/HLT/REG /CIR/ 248/09/2021 dated 14th September, 2021.

This extension was granted in respect of the following :

  1. All Motor Insurance policies
  2. Fire Insurance policies covering Dwellings and/or contents thereof issued to individuals
  3. All package insurance policies issued to individuals (e.g. package policies for Dwellings)
  4. All Miscellaneous policies issued to individuals where the Sum Insured does not exceed Rs. 5 Crore.
Feel free to contact in case of any query or consultation.
